Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Hey all,

Hope you all have been doing well. Classes have been going well this week, nothing new has happened in my classes but outside there is news. As I have said in a previous blog i believe but just in case....
I am in a school organization called SUUSA. It is the student association and as a member I just help out with some of the different school functions and there is a branch club that SUUSA is over called Thorcorps. It is a club for students to join that gets them seats to the different sporting events and they cheer loud and proud. Well this last Saturday there was a football game and the different sections of student government hosted different activities at a tail-gate party. I was in charge of handing out T-shirts to the students who signed up for Thorcorp. The freshman board leader kept a steady eye on all of the activities that SUUSA was in charge of.
When I was at our weekly meeting tonight I was appointed the president of Thorcorp. Here I have to write up the club constitution that all of the members must follow. This posed me with a bit of a problem and it is a good challenge for me if I want to run for any position on the student government for next year.

The job hunt is going a little slow but tonight I applied for a job helping disabled adults in the community. This was recommended by my one roommate and RA, Cameron, who works there. I am hoping that I get this job because I need money :-s

That is all I have for right now, I hope you all are doing well and best of wishes =D



Rob said...

Sounds like you are staying busy and having some fun. It also sounds like you have a few challenges ahead. We are proud of you, Austin! Keep up the good work!

Rob and Heather

Wendy Turner said...

Hey Austin sounds like you are adjusting real well to college life. I am so glad you are getting involved in the clubs that's a great way to meet people and have fun at the same time. Van and I just returned from our trip to Japan it was AMAZING After we get back to some kind of normal I am going to get some pictures download and explain what we did there. Really enjoy reading your blog.
Love Ya The Turners

Dana said...

Good for you, Austin! It sounds like you're already taking full advantage of the college life. It's so much better when you get yourself out there like you're doing - helps you meet a lot of people.

Fingers crossed that you get the job you're hoping for. :)